Blender 4.2 LTS Released:
New EEVEE, better Cycles, online extensions, faster everything.
The next generation of the render engine EEVEE is here. Completely rewritten from scratch to allow global illumination, displacement, better SSS, viewport motion blur, and so much more.
Let's update your development environment.
Blender 3.6.1 LTS Released:
Baking in multi-Tiles textures (Udim) from MultiRes only use the height of the last tile as reference.
Orbit Around Selection in Edit Mode is not working after 3.6.0 update. , and more.
Termination of O4 service
The O4 service in the development environment has ended. A past system archive version is available on, yet the data is not reflected in the latest version. Also, this version does not have the ability to enter the 3D world.
Blender 3.1.2 Released:
Blender 3.1 has just received a "corrective" release fixing over 50 issues and bugs. While Blender 3.1 is not an "LTS" release such as 2.83 and 2.93 (both of which will be supported and updated for two years), the Blender Institute still can elect to have one or two corrective releases for "traditional" versions, a welcome burst of support.
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